The Greatest In The Kingdom

We are very aware of those who are best in their craft. 

For example, if I were to ask you who the greatest wide receiver in football ever was, who would you say? QB? Linebacker? Safety? What about baseball players? Chances are you have an answer of some kind for all of those because you pay attention to the sport.

So what if we paid attention to the stories in scripture as much as we paid attention to our favorite sports teams? How does this change the dynamic and attitude of the church and its members? 

In any sport, there will always be a great, a player better than the last. But what about the kingdom? What about followers of Jesus? Does it really matter who the greatest preacher ever was? or church leader for that matter? 

When we dig into the gospel accounts it's clear who the greatest is, but it's also clear that those who follow Jesus must do so with an attitude of humility (Luke 9:46-48). 

In a few different places, the writers who record the story of Jesus insert these details to make a point. "It's not about you."

And may be, more deeply, if it wasn't about the men who walked next to Jesus for those years, then it certainly isn't about you. This is about what God has done and is doing through Jesus.


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